Respect to Youtubers with great content .. but I blame Coos 😉
Spent extra 2 days in Kuala Lumpur than had planned. The main reason was to try and catch up with all the digital content that had accumulated so far. I knew this was an area which would be new and a challenge … as per my personal website an area which was far Too much to understand .. but enough to move us all along. Well to move us all along means there has to be a minimum level of quality before putting it all on-line. This is proving to be not trivial at all.
Firstly for me and Coos we are motivated to produce something that can be shared and experienced by others. Mutlimedia was the course taken. This meant ofcouse the latest so we have dived into Spheres, 360 degree panoramas and GoPro videos. All of this with the travel theme .. which is google maps. Now we look on Youtube and see the content produced there .. we are well short at this point with the quality that we are happy with to publish publicly. but we will …
Now firstly a bit of a moan … but also grateful to Coos (my cousin) .. and he knows about digital and 3d imaging. OK .. here are some of the challenges we face so far!
- Logistics and workflows … with me half-way across the world with not only timezone differences, but getting large data files across to each other on WIFI connections is for sure a challenge. Trying to communicate by Skype and Google hang-outs, grateful that we have this technology but it is not yet there yet … do not how many times we had to switch between the two or just gave up and said we would speak the next day.
- New technologies .. from my laptop just not having the juice to convert and export of the different file formats and the file sizes that we are playing with. To spending over 4 hours trying to work out why my camera was not recording GPS data, and why the images were not on the google map on my pc and online where they were supposed to be. (let’s just say I did not ready anywhere I should not be deep indoors for these GPS logs to be updated! pff…
- User error and naivety .. yes pretty much all new to me … from setting up the Youtube channels, Facebook pages etc …to understanding how to produce panoramic images, to thinking about things before just pushing the video record or photo button. We have hours of content which once we look at it .. is useless for putting on-line. Too shaky, boring, too long but when cut-down too much . no flow and no feeling left in it … and if it is not at least useful, informational or entertaining… just delete it .. what is the point.
Bottom line .. as per the opening paragraph … a lot more respect for the folks who have some great content on-line. It looks easy and glamorous .. but it is a lot of hard work and it is a skill!!
Anyway .. we will get something out on a regular basis .. and hopefully the quality will improve by the time “we” reach Europe …and hopefully Coos will still be talking to me…like the rest of my family! 😉