This is also an edited (mostly spelling and grammar) version of a post originally written on Faceboook to Friends and Family
A friend shared an animation about an old Cherokee Indian teaching his grandson about life. Basically there are 2 wolves inside the chief that are fighting. One wolf is evil (envy, greed, self-pity, guilt, lies, superiority..) and one wolf is good (love, peace, joy, compassion faith, hope ...) A fight within everyone of us. The grandson ask .. "who wins". The old chief replies .. "the one you feed"
During the long train ride to Aktau I thought about this and how I encourage my daughter to think and challenge, and the circumstances where ignorance of our actions sometimes do more harm to other living beings, and wanted to leave a story for my daughter ... as we are experiencing family challenges.
Here goes ...
"Sir... I have a question... is it not whom you FEED but whom you PROTECT that will decide the winner?
CHIEF: Interesting child... why do you say that?
GIRL: Cos when we do hurtful acts we tend to justify our actions. Protect ourselves from the shame that this wolf inside us has done. Like she he or it deserved that.. different.. not like us ...inferior.
CHIEF: Yes indeed child. We do that.. but that is why we encourage open and honest discussion. We have the talking stick and the peace pipe. So that all perspectives can be heard, shared, discussed and challenged.
(.... silence for a short while....)
GIRL: But Sir...why do you look so sad?
CHIEF: Because it takes 2 hands to clap. One person may be open for discussion but if the more powerful one or the one who has control is not willing to becomes difficult.
(... silence for a short while...)
GIRL: Sir... can I give you a hug?
CHIEF: Yes child.
(She runs over and gives him a hug)
GIRL: Do you feel better now???
CHIEF: Yes.. I do ...LOL.
GIRL: You see my father was right... all bruises and pains can be relieved with a kiss and a hug... we should defeat this wolf with HUGS AND KISSES.
CHIEF: Yes you right my child... the challenge now is to bring this wolf to the table.
What is your name... and let's all go and get something to eat... going to come along???