and traveling is different than purpose/business or holiday touring
While here in Hanoi I did not have a great hotel service experience and moved to a lesser quality place but where the staff were really friendly. So what mattered to me was not the quality of a place but the atmosphere. When the staff understand and have affinity with fellow travelers this is where the difference shines. This can not be faked or manipulated with service process or bonuses. This is about being genuine and passionate in what you do and a difference that permeates to the good vibes and energy of the guests.
One stand-out case in point at a hostel in Nha Trang. The reception staff really deserved alot more credit and they made the place. They knew everyone's name and they enjoyed their work. They enjoyed meeting international travelers and helping them out. One reception lady spent about 30mins talking to a guest who thought she had left some money somewhere. There was no answer or solution, but she stayed and cared. I was on my computer updating my website in the sitting area and overheard their conversation. As they chatted the lady who lost the money asked if the reception lady ever checked other hotel online reviews. The answer was yes, but not to see the competition but to see how the property manager responded to the reviews and complaints. She noted one case where the property manager was very good. She complimented him and said she learned from this. This is what she was all about, and it showed. When I left we chatted and I recalled this conversation with her and complimented her to the point of embarrassment. But also well done to the owner for hiring such passionate and caring staff.
One final thought on closing... something happens when you travel and you meet and travel with ordinary folk. It is the culture and humanity that comes through. This is lost when it is packaged and manipulated but it is still there in this world. To leave with a quotation that one person provided on her Facebook page when she completed her time traveling South East Asia and said goodbye until the next time. By Mark Twain. "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime" ... When I read this I thought this is not travel of today - purpose, destination or check-off been there done that travel. That is tourism. Traveling is different. Thanks Anna Hiller for the quote and share!